Grid Drawing

If you are a first time drawer and having a difficult time making accurate drawings. I suggest you use the grid method.

grid drawing

The grid method is basically using a series of square lines placed on a photo graphic image and then with a few mathematical equations, the squares are transferred from the photo to your sketch paper. I personally have never used this method for my sketches; I’ve mostly have been shifting my head from image to my paper constantly; it may not be accurate, but it has been working well for me so far. But after hearing about this method in my drawing course in college, my mind was literally blow away!

I also believe that you do not need to use the entire method to create a more accurate drawing. What I mean by that is that you don’t have to only use squares to pin point your drawing. Take the image below for example.

face grid

With this example, you can pin point exactly where you want your eyes, mouth, nose, and ears to be.

It also works great when you are drawing an image in a different angle. Besides having to draw an image face straight, what you can do is for example draw one line going up diagonally, and then begin to draw longer lines starting from the top, and depending how much you use, make your way to the bottom with smaller lines. What this will help you do is draw an image looking in a high angle. The same method could be applied when trying to draw something in a lower angle; just do the steps reverse.

I hope with the little information I have provided about grid drawing will be beneficial to all those who are starting to draw for the first time and would like a more accurate picture.

Happy sketching!

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